Internet World wide Web Email, And Web Browsing Explain in Detail


Internet is a collection of millions of computers around the world that are connected to one another its a global network of computers these computers are connected through different telecommunications links like
Phone lines
1;Fiber optics lines
2;Satellites and wireless connections

Internet is used to find information stored on the computers called hosts or servers.These computers use a common protocol called TCP/IP for communication TCP/IP stands for Transmission control protocol /internet protocol each computer connected to the internet can act as host.A Host Computer provides information to the people..

World wide Web (WWW)

(WWW) stands for world wide web it is also called provides the facility to publish the information on the internet it is a collection of documents or web pages stored on computers permanently connected with internet around the world.

A web page is a document that is written HTML These web pages are connected to one another using hyperlinks.web pages are also known as hypertext documents.A web page may contain simple text images and hyperlinks anyone can view web pages through a web browser.A collection of Related web Pages Called website.Each Website has Unique address websites are started on a host computer on the internet these computer on the internet.these computes are known as web server the process of launching a web page called publishing the page.

Email (Electronic Mail)

Email stands for electronic mail email is the exchange of message and files through internet message can be in the form of graphics sounds,videos,clips,or simple text it is a fast way of sending message anywhere in the world in a very short time.

The sender and receiver may be sitting in the same building or anywhere in the world one email message can be sent to multiple recipients. Email facility is provided by many internet service providers or specialized Hotmail and Gmail are some Popular examples of email Providing Websites.

Web Browser

A web browser is software that is used to view web pages. it acts as an interface between the user and the internet it can understand HTML it can display Text and Graphics Browsers Are Also known As web Clients or universal Clients.Some Example of Web browsers are internet Explorer Netscape and Mozilla,
Internet World wide Web Email, And Web Browsing Explain in Detail

Internet World wide Web Email, And Web Browsing Explain in Detail Internet World wide Web Email, And Web Browsing Explain in Detail Reviewed by Unknown on 04:40 Rating: 5

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